Schermafbeelding 2019-03-18 om 15.50.20


The FAS-project started as a journalistic initiative to raise awareness for FAS, but eventually developed into a big multimedia awareness campaign, showing the dangerous consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. By storytelling, the project raises attention to a relatively unknown problem in a personal way. The FAS-project started in 2013 and was completed in the summer of 2022. The project consists of the book “Children with FASD – Kinder mit FASD”, films, expositions, a college tour, buddy projects and more.

1st place Silver Camera, category documentaries

2nd place Canon Award, award for ground-breaking journalism

2nd place innovation award Child Abuse Approach

3th place Silver Camera, category portraits

Shortlist for Dutch Doc Award,


Schermafbeelding 2019-03-18 om 15.50.20

‘FAS is a storm in your head. FAS is having no control over your life. FAS is being different. FAS is for life.’


Consuming alcohol during pregnancy is harmful to the unborn child. In the worst-case scenario, it can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). In the Netherlands, hundreds of children are born with FAS each year and thousands more are born with alcohol related damage (FASD).

FAS can reveal itself by a number of specific physical abnormalities. People with FAS have problems with controlling impulses, concentration, attention and they tend to have strong reactions to sensory stimuli. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed as ADHD or autism. FAS is not curable, but it is preventable!

Learn more about FAS? Read about the risks of alcohol during pregnancy, order the book “Children with FASD” or watch the video below on the risks of alcohol on the fetus.


Schermafbeelding 2019-03-18 om 15.50.20

FAS2025 tells the story of Isiah, Lorenzo, Marcella, Mila and Jasmijn, following their journey towards adulthood for ten years. These are made by several touching portraits, minidocs and stories. The project also consists of expositions, a college tour to inform future professionals about FAS, a buddy project and more. 


Schermafbeelding 2019-03-18 om 15.50.20

The FAS-project is developed and coördinated by the foundation Het Witte Bos (The White Forest). The project aims at awareness and prevention of FAS by telling stories from a personal perspective, displayed by several types of media. Using the power of impact storytelling, attention is drawn to neglected themes in society and inspires and informs a broad audience. A project of Het Witte Bos always consists of multiple activities that complement and strengthen each other.


The FAS-project started as a journalistic initiative to raise awareness for FAS, but eventually developed into a big multimedia awareness campaign, showing the dangerous consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

“FAS is the storm in your head. FAS is not having control of your life.
FAS is being different. FAS lasts a lifetime.”



